We are an automotive consultancy supporting vehicle engineering projects, bespoke engineer training and customer experiential events.

World-class Professional Drivers
We have selected the best professional drivers in the world to work with Pro2.
With a broad range of experience, we hand pick the professional drivers specifically for your events.

Customer Understanding
We are a unique engineering consultancy who sit next to your customers every day so know what they like and how they drive your products.
We bring that experience into our test and development support to help you deliver a more customer focused product.

New Technology
We have delivered test programmes for electric and hybrid vehicles and use that expertise when supporting engineering and customer experiential programmes.

Vehicle Development Support
Management of a range of engineering development programmes.

Engineer Training
Customised practical training programmes for a range of engineering disciplines

Specialist Test Drives
High sales conversion results through professional driver-accompanied test drive events

Customer Event Management
Full event management for unique customer focused driving experiences

Vehicle Launches
Event consultancy including designing activities to demonstrate features or technology

Specialist Vehicle Delivery / Press Fleet Management
Complete specialist vehicle delivery, running in and demonstration service for press fleets, VIP handovers and film shoots
The feedback from Benfield was extremely positive and they found the Pro2 drivers made a real difference.
Pro2 provided driver training here in India and were very professional. The course was very well received due to their professional approach, great character and thorough knowledge of the job. We will be using their services again. The feedback is all positive and puts us in good position for lots of follow up.